RT的意思 - 实时

Real Time


  • 英文缩写

  • 英文全称

    Real Time
  • 中文解释

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  • 应用领域

  • 流行程度

  • 简要解释



  • 1. The real time RT-PCR revealed that expressions of FABP4 in longissimus muscle from 160 and 200-day's sheep were higher than those from 90-day's (P<0.05), expectively. 实时荧光定量PCR试验表明,FABP4基因在160和200日龄绵羊背最长肌中的表达量明显高于90日龄背最长肌的表达量(P< 0.05);
  • 2. Then the GO and KEGG Pathway enrichment analysis were carried as well as the functional analysis and real time RT-PCR validation of two important genes. 通过表达谱芯片检测药物作用后的基因表达差异,对差异表达基因进行生物信息学研究并结合实时荧光定量pcr分析。
  • 3. VBR-RT? Variable Bit Rate Real Time? 实时可变比特速率?。
  • 4. Using RT-LAB, a real-time simulation is made for the high-power inverter source, capture technology of SPWM wave is introduced, IGBT model is built, and the main circuit is set up. 本文利用RT - LAB对大功率逆变电源进行实时仿真,介绍了SPWM波的捕获技术,搭建IGBT模型,完成主回路的建模。
  • 5. We analyze some genes including cell cycle, apoptosis, stress and inflammation, which are confirmed by the real time RT-PCR, and the results are corresponded to that of cDNA microarray. 我们对部分细胞周期、细胞凋亡、细胞应激与炎症反应相关基因进行了分析并用实时荧光定量pcr进行了验证,证实了基因芯片结果的可靠性。

以上内容是“RT”作为“Real Time”的英文缩写,解释为“实时”时的应用示例。


缩略词 英文全称 / 中文翻译
RT Reverse Transcription 反转录/逆转录
RT radio telephone 无线电话
RT Royalty Trust 特权信托
RT Real Time 实时
RT Reperforator Transmitter 自动穿孔发送机
RT Radioisotope Tracer 放射性同位素指示剂/放射性示踪物
RT Ru Ti 如题
RT Reaction Time 反应时间
RT Reference Terminology 参照术语集
RT Receiver-Transmitter 收发两用机/接收-发射机;收发报机/送受话器



RT是什么意思 英文缩写RT(Real Time)的中文解释 RT的英文全称及意思 RT(实时)英文缩写