RO的意思 - 逆渗透

Reverse osmosis


  • 英文缩写

  • 英文全称

    Reverse osmosis
  • 中文解释

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  • 应用领域

  • 流行程度

  • 简要解释



  • 1. The company mainly produce Reverse Osmosis (ro) equipment such as domestic direct drinking fountain, Clean water machine, water-softener, pipeline machine and large-scale industrial water treatment. 公司主要生产反渗透(RO)家用直饮机、净水机、软水机﹑管线机及大型工业水处理设备。
  • 2. Shenyang Wright ryder water treatment systems Co., LTD. Offers high-quality ro device, reverse osmosis technology has special advantages for get more extensive application. 沈阳莱特·莱德水处理系统有限公司提供优质反渗透设备,反渗透技术因具有特殊的优越性而得到日益广泛的应用。
  • 3. Nowadays the percentage of indigenous reverse osmosis (RO) membrane applied in our country is low for the deficiency of RO membrane functional materials which lead to little species RO membranes. 目前国内反渗透复合膜功能材料单一,性能相对较差,严重影响高性能反渗透的开发,制约我国反渗透工程中的国产化率。
  • 4. The casting process and reverse osmosis (RO) properties of hydroxy-propyl cellulose acetate (HPCA) membrane were studied. 研究了羟丙基醋酸纤维素反渗透膜的制膜工艺和膜性能。
  • 5. Because of the high salt concentration of circulating water, the reverse osmosis (RO) technology is usually used to treat the effluent of circulating water system. 循环水由于含盐量较高,在对其排污水进行回收处理时一般采用反渗透除盐工艺。

以上内容是“RO”作为“Reverse osmosis”的英文缩写,解释为“逆渗透”时的应用示例。


缩略词 英文全称 / 中文翻译
RO Reverse osmosis 逆渗透
RO Radio Operator 无线电报务员
RO Ringer Oscillator 振铃发生器
RO Random Optimization 随机优化
RO Royal Observatory 皇家天文台[英]
RO Read Only 只读
RO Radar Operator 雷达操作员
RO Real Objectives 真实目标
RO Read Out 读出
RO Radar Observer 雷达观测员



RO是什么意思 英文缩写RO(Reverse osmosis)的中文解释 RO的英文全称及意思 RO(逆渗透)英文缩写