ROI的意思 - 感兴趣区域

region of interest


  • 英文缩写

  • 英文全称

    region of interest
  • 中文解释

  • 缩写分类

  • 应用领域

  • 流行程度

  • 简要解释



  • 1. The functional data was processed with software statistical parameter mapping 2 (SPM2). After at test to the region of interest (ROI) activated respectively by the three kinds of stimulation pictures. 用SPM2软件处理功能成像数据,对由三类图片所引发的感兴趣区(ROI)做相关t检验统计。
  • 2. The invention discloses an image searching method based on a region of interest (ROI), which comprises the following steps: selecting regions of objects to be searched by using a rectangular frame; 本发明公开一种基于感兴趣区域的图像检索方法,包括:使用矩形框选定需要检索的目标所在的区域;
  • 3. The image coding and compression technologies based on the JPEG2000 standard is studied in this article, which focus on region-of-interest (ROI) compression and EBCOT optimization algorithm. 本文主要基于JPEG2000标准来研究图像编码和压缩相关技术,其重点是感兴趣区域(ROI)的压缩和EBCOT算法的优化。
  • 4. JPEG2000 is a new international standard for still image coding and provides many new features, such as progressive recovery of image by fidelity or resolution and region of interest (ROI) coding. JPEG2000是一种新的静止图像编码国际标准,它提供了诸如基于失真度及分辨率的图像渐进恢复,感兴趣区域编码等新特性。
  • 5. First, the region of interest (ROI) is selected by interactive segmentation method. The boundary points of the ROI is extracted and ordered according to their positions. 首先通过交互式分割选择出感兴趣区域(ROI),提取出roi的轮廓点并根据位置关系对轮廓点排序。

以上内容是“ROI”作为“region of interest”的英文缩写,解释为“感兴趣区域”时的应用示例。


缩略词 英文全称 / 中文翻译
ROI Royal Institute of Oil Painters (英国)皇家油画家协会
ROI Relevance Originality Impact ROI理论ROI理论是一种实用的广告创意指南/是20世纪60年代的广告大师 威廉·伯恩
ROI the Republic of Ireland 爱尔兰共和国
ROI rock of israel 以色列的岩石
ROI route of ingress 入口的路线
ROI record of invention 发明的记录
ROI region of interest 感兴趣区域
ROI release of information 发布信息
ROI rate of interest 利率调整
ROI risk of incarceration 牢狱之灾



ROI是什么意思 英文缩写ROI(region of interest)的中文解释 ROI的英文全称及意思 ROI(感兴趣区域)英文缩写