P53的意思 - 抑癌基因

tumor suppressor gene


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    tumor suppressor gene
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  • 1. Pathology: p53 tumor suppressor gene mutation, loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 11p15 locus. PAX-FKHR gene fusion. 病理学:p53肿瘤抑制基因突变,第11p15基因座杂和性丢失。
  • 2. In 2005, researchers at Sloan-Kettering reported that the gene could stop massive tumor growth in prostate cancer even when another tumor suppressor, known as P53, was turned off. 早在2005年,斯隆·凯特琳中心的研究人员就曾报道了在另一种叫做P 53的肿瘤抑制基因关闭时,该基因甚至仍然可以阻止前列腺癌大肿瘤生长。
  • 3. P53 gene is the most prominent tumor suppressor gene in human cancer among those genes that have been found till now. p 5 3基因是至今为止发现的与人类肿瘤相关性最高的基因。
  • 4. The tumor suppressor gene p53 codes for a transcription factor, p53 protein, plays a critical regulation role in oncogene expression, DNA synthesis and repair systems, and cell apoptosis. 抑癌基因p53编码转录因子p53蛋白在调控癌基因表达、dna合成和损伤修复以及细胞凋亡中起关键作用。
  • 5. Some of the mice also had defective versions of the tumor suppressor gene p53, which is mutated in about half of human lung cancers. 一些小鼠还有肿瘤抑制基因p 53缺陷,这种缺陷突变存在与大约一半的人类肺癌。

以上内容是“P53”作为“tumor suppressor gene”的英文缩写,解释为“抑癌基因”时的应用示例。


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